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A local company prepares to pour cement into what will be the foundation of the reconstructed Vance house. The original fireplace is pictured to the right.

A man sits atop a tractor while another man to the left oversees the work. The men are digging what will be the foundation of the reconstructed Vance house. The original fireplace is present in the background of the image.

# 46.tif
The original fireplace stands alone after the old Vance house had been deconstructed. Men stand to the right of the fireplace, which provides a kind of scale.

Two men work to reinforce the original fireplace. A hole is visible where the a stove flue was probably inserted at some point. The hole would later be filled back in with new brick. L-R: Gregg Sawyer (contractor of Black Mountain, NC), Georgeā€¦

A worker replaces the first inch of the old mortar mixture, which held the original fireplace together, with a cement mortar. This was believed to strengthen the historic structure.
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