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# 24.jpg
A worker uses an adze to shape a log which will become part of the reconstructed Vance house.

# 22.jpg
A worker shapes a log using a broad axe to prepare it for use in the reconstructed Vance house.

Three men work on different aspects of the reconstructed Vance house. All three men appear to be sawing or hewing wood.

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The man on the left is using a broad axe to shape a log. The man on the right is using a draw knife to shape a log. The logs were shaped before they were put together on site to form the reconstructed Vance house.

A traveler was used as a measuring device. The user would hold the handle and roll the wheel along a distance to either measure a distance or replicate a distance or circumference (such as a wagon wheel) by counting the revolutions of a notch on the…


A spokeshave is used like a smaller drawknife with two wooden handles used to pull a small blade toward yourself. It is used to shape smaller pieces of wood and/or to create fine shapes. It is often used to create curves, such as spokes on a wheel,…


A sickle has a wooden handle and a curved metal blade. It is used to cut a bunch of stalks or stems (such as grass or crops), either to harvest or trim.


A shaving horse is a work bench that you sit on, which also held whatever piece of wood you are working on in place. The user would sit down across from the piece of wood, then push the foot pedal to move the dumbhead down. The shaving horse outside…


A scorp is a wood shaping tool. It is used to create a curved shape to wood. A smaller scorp, such as the one pictured, would be used on smaller pieces of wood to create items such as bowls. The tool user would hold the wooden handles and draw the…


This wooden rake, or pitchfork would have been used to move hay, straw, and wheat—raking actions as well as scooping and lifting. The tool could relieve some of the labor of harvest.


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