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Wood Shaping Detail
A worker uses an adze to shape a log which will become part of the reconstructed Vance house.
Tags: Construction, Tools, Wood Preparation
Wood Shaping
A worker shapes a log using a broad axe to prepare it for use in the reconstructed Vance house.
Tags: Construction, Tools, Wood Preparation
Walls Begin to Go Up
Three men work on different aspects of the reconstructed Vance house. All three men appear to be sawing or hewing wood.
Tags: Construction, Siding, Tools
Two Workers Shaping Logs
The man on the left is using a broad axe to shape a log. The man on the right is using a draw knife to shape a log. The logs were shaped before they were put together on site to form the reconstructed Vance house.
Tags: Construction, Tools, Wood Preparation
A traveler was used as a measuring device. The user would hold the handle and roll the wheel along a distance to either measure a distance or replicate a distance or circumference (such as a wagon wheel) by counting the revolutions of a notch on the…
Tags: Tools
Three Workers Treating Logs
Three men work on site to treat the logs which would be used for the reconstructed Vance house. The logs were treated with weather-proofing chemicals that added longevity.
Tags: Construction, Wood Preparation
The staircase in the reconstructed Vance family home, which was donated from the Hemphill house across the street from the current historic site.
Tags: Construction, Interior
A spokeshave is used like a smaller drawknife with two wooden handles used to pull a small blade toward yourself. It is used to shape smaller pieces of wood and/or to create fine shapes. It is often used to create curves, such as spokes on a wheel,…
Tags: Tools
Sitting Room Paneling
Detail of the paneling in the sitting room of the reconstructed Vance family home. The paneling is from the former structure but it is unknown when the paneling was installed.
Tags: Construction, Interior